


Юридическое агентство

Юридические услуги. Операции с недвижимостью.

Адрес:  Колос, yл. Кoлxoзнaя, д. 51

Тел.:  (83354) 2-31-31

Отзывов: 5


[08.01.2014] От: Rifai

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[10.01.2014] От: Karcika

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[27.01.2014] От: Emeline

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[01.03.2014] От: Journey

Deductibles and payment options. Unlike some other aspects of auto insurance, the collision protection of the Quotes Chimp is subject to a deductible (the amount you pay before any insurance benefits kick in). Most deductibles are around $200 but you can elect to have a higher or lower amount. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.

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