


Недвижимость в КировеКаталог организацийБанкиОперационная касса № 4092/01 Лузского отделения Сбербанка России г. Луза

Операционная касса № 4092/01 Лузского отделения Сбербанка России г. Луза

Адрес:  Луза, ул. Пушкинa, д. 12

Тел.:  (83346) 2-00-92

Отзывов: 3


[07.01.2014] От: Juli

That's a cunning answer to a chiaelnglng question

[05.02.2014] От: Lungisani

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[01.03.2014] От: Jonnie

Much of the fear and loathing QuotesChimp feel toward auto inпїЅsurance companies comes from their knowledge that if they use their insurance, their company will make them pay dearly for the privilege or cancel them altogether, even if they are not at fault. This inequity can be substantially reduced if companies are compelled by law to offer policies in which the consumer is guaranteed renewal, without a rate increase above that charged all other policyholders as approved by the state insurance comпїЅmissioner. The only grounds for an individual increase in preпїЅmiums (other than changes in the risk of coverage, such as the purchase of a new car) would be a poor driving record based on the concept of fault. In other words, if you made claims against the company for benefits as the result of an accident that was not primarily your fault, your rates could not be raised.

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